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Someone staying organised with an Apple Watch

Organise Your Life with Apple Watch and Things 3: Improve Memory, Increase Productivity, and Boost Creative Thinking

Apple Watch is a powerful tool that can be used for more than just tracking your fitness goals. It is also an excellent device for keeping you organised and on top of your schedule. In this article, we will explore how you can use an Apple Watch, along with the popular task management app Things 3, to stay organised and productive.

Things 3 Logo

Things 3 is a popular task management app that is available for both macOS and iOS. It is designed to help you keep track of your tasks and projects, set deadlines, and prioritise your work. Things 3 also has a Watch app, which makes it easy to access your tasks and stay on top of your schedule.

Here are some tips for using an Apple Watch with Things 3 to stay organised:

  1. Add Tasks on the Go

One of the primary benefits of using Things 3 on your Apple Watch is that you can quickly add tasks and to-dos on the go. Whether you’re out running errands, commuting to work, or taking a walk, you can use your Apple Watch to add tasks to your to-do list without needing to take out your phone or open up your computer. Simply use the Things 3 app on your watch to add a new task, set a due date, and even assign a project or tag. This feature is particularly useful if you’re always on the move and need to capture ideas or tasks as they come to you.

  1. Use Siri to Add Tasks

Another great feature of using Things 3 on your Apple Watch is that you can use Siri to add tasks. Simply raise your wrist and say “Hey Siri, add [task name] to Things,” and Siri will automatically add the task to your to-do list. This is a great way to quickly add tasks while you’re on the go or when you’re too busy to type. This feature is especially handy if you have your hands full and can’t use the touchscreen.

  1. Stay on Top of Your Schedule

One of the biggest benefits of using an Apple Watch with Things 3 is that you can stay on top of your schedule and deadlines. The Watch app displays your upcoming tasks and deadlines, making it easy to see what you need to do next. You can also set reminders and due dates for your tasks, which will send notifications to your Watch when they’re due. This feature is particularly useful if you have a lot of tasks and deadlines to manage, as it helps you keep track of everything in one place.

  1. Focus on Your Priorities

Things 3 allows you to set priorities for your tasks, which can help you stay focused on what’s most important. When you use the Things 3 app on your Apple Watch, you can quickly see which tasks are high priority and need to be completed first. This can help you stay organised and avoid feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list. This feature is particularly useful if you have a lot of tasks to manage and need to prioritise your work effectively.

  1. Use Complications for Quick Access

Finally, one of the best ways to use Things 3 on your Apple Watch is to add it as a complication on your Watch face. This will give you quick access to your tasks and to-dos without needing to open up the app. You can customise the complication to display different information, such as your next task, a summary of your tasks for the day, or the number of tasks you have left to complete. This feature is particularly useful if you want to see your tasks at a glance and avoid wasting time searching for them.

In conclusion, using an Apple Watch with Things 3 is an excellent way to stay organised and productive. By following the tips above, you can quickly add tasks, stay on top.

Additional information for those with ADHD or similar difficulties:

Sure, here’s an addition to the article about how Things 3 can help with memory, ADHD, and increase creative thinking:

Using Things 3 on your Apple Watch not only helps you stay organised, but it can also improve your memory and free up time for creative thinking. When you have a lot of tasks and deadlines to manage, it’s easy to forget something important. By using Things 3 to keep track of everything in one place, you can be sure that you won’t miss a deadline or forget an important task.

For those with ADHD, managing tasks and staying focused can be a significant challenge. Things 3 provides a straightforward and effective way to manage your tasks and stay on track. The ability to set priorities and assign projects or tags helps to break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones, which can reduce stress and increase productivity.

By using Things 3 to manage your tasks, you can also free up more time for creative thinking. When your mind isn’t cluttered with a long to-do list, you can focus on generating new ideas and exploring different approaches to problem-solving. Having a clear and organised system for managing your tasks can help you stay focused and reduce distractions, allowing you to concentrate on the creative work you enjoy.

In conclusion, using Things 3 on your Apple Watch can have numerous benefits beyond just staying organised. By improving your memory, reducing stress, and freeing up time for creative thinking, Things 3 can help you achieve your goals more efficiently and with less effort. Whether you have ADHD or are simply looking to streamline your workflow, Things 3 is an excellent tool for staying organised and productive.